Bulbeck Car Park Demolition – website FAQs       

1.  Why are we demolishing Bulbeck Road Car Park?
Havant has a need for housing and this site will allow for additional town centre homes to be built. Government funding has been secured to demolish the structure with a view to providing homes. 

The structure is also a hotspot for vandalism and anti-social behaviour. It is hoped that a new development will improve the look and feel of the surrounding area.

The Council acquired the car park when it purchased the Meridian Centre in December 2019. The car park was underutilised and the running costs to the council were nearly as much as the revenue it collected. The condition of the car park was such that it would have required significant investment to keep it operational.

 2. When will the car park close?
The car park closed at 9pm on Friday 6 September 2024

3. Where else can I park?
Multiple alternative car parks are available within Havant town centre, with the Meridian Shopping Centre car park a short distance away from the Bulbeck Road site. The town centre also benefits from other On-Street pay and display parking on North Street and Market Parade.

4. I have a parking permit, what are my options?
Existing parking permits will be valid in the main Meridian Centre car park. If this is no longer suitable you can cancel your permit. Contact the parking team for more information.

5. What will happen to the existing Park and Stride Scheme?
Officers have been working with the local schools and Hampshire County Council’s Transport Planning team to update the Park and Stride scheme and this was communicated to parents for the new school year.

6. Will Bulbeck Road be closed during the demolition?
Bulbeck Road will remain open during the demolition and there is no plan to permanently close the road. There may be times when traffic is disrupted but the aim is to keep this to a minimum.

7. What will be done to limit the dust whilst the car park is being demolished?
The appointed demolition company has a proven track record for demolition projects and will take every care to reduce the impact on the rest of the town. Measures to be taken include sheeting around the scaffolding surrounding the building to limit debris and dust issues for neighbouring properties during works.  There will also be damping down of the concrete and debris as the works progresses to minimise dust.

A method statement is available that outlines the plans for the demolition.

8. What are the long-term plans for the car park site?
The council have marketed the site to developers and is in negotiations with a later living provider. The process will ensure compliance with the grant fund conditions and seeks to achieve best value for the site. Details will be published once the sale of the site is completed. We have confidence that the developer will move quickly to submit a planning application and build out the site.

9. Where can I make comment on the long-term plans?
The proposed development scheme will be subject to planning permission and comments will be invited as part of the process. 

10. When will the demolition be completed?
We expect the demolition to be completed in early 2025. 

Investigations into the ground conditions under the structure will need to be progressed before the demolition can be completed. Further work may be required depending on the results of these investigations.