The photography competition is now closed - thank you to those who submitted your snaps, we had loads of great photos sent to us!

We are now judging and shortlisting the winning photographs prior to our professional exhibition at The Spring, taking place between 19 March and 19 May 2025, in order to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity and climate action. Stay tuned for more information!

All successful entrants will be emailed directly.

Background Information

To celebrate the launch of our new Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategies, Havant Borough Council is teaming up with The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre to launch our public photography competition.   

The competition has five categories for those aged 25 and over, with a special category for the under 25’s:

Under 25’s vision - a special category to share the perspective of younger residents on our local environment, climate, and the natural world
Nature and us - showcasing the interplay between people and the environment, nature or weather, celebrating harmony or addressing conflict 
Environmental guardians - highlighting individuals or communities taking steps to protect our local area, from conservation efforts to sustainable practices
Hidden worlds - capturing the beauty and often unseen miniature natural world through close-up macro photography
Changing places - depicting transformations and impacts of climate change in our local landscapes and environments, whether due to human activity, restoration efforts, or natural processes 
Wildlife wonders - showcasing the diversity and richness of local flora, fauna, and fungi, celebrating all species and capturing fascinating behaviours, beauty, or the challenges they face. 

The below includes competition details, submission guidelines and exhibition information. If you have any further questions, please contact us on  

Shortlisting and exhibition 

  • A panel of judges from Havant Borough Council and The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre will select a shortlist of photographs from each category to be exhibited at The Spring 
  • Judging will be based on the following criteria: Appropriateness to the chosen category, technical ability, composition, public appeal, originality and suitability to be included in a public exhibition  
  • The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the selection process 
  • The shortlisted photographs will be printed and installed by Havant Borough Council and The Spring, who will cover all associated printing and exhibition costs 
  • Shortlisted photographers will be notified after judging has taken place. They will also be invited to attend a private viewing event at The Spring on Tuesday 18 March 2025 at 5.30pm - 6.30pm where they may bring a plus one 
  • The winners will be announced at the private event  
  • The public exhibition will run until 16 May 2025. 
  • After the exhibition, photographers may choose to either: Keep their printed version of the photograph OR Donate the printed photograph to The Spring or another local organisation (if they would like to accept the donation) 

If you have any questions, please contact Good luck to everyone taking part!