Every member of the community has the right to comment on a planning application. We take your comments into consideration when recommending if an application should be approved or denied.
Your comments whether submitted online (via Public Access) or by post will become public documents that are published on the council website, they cannot be treated as confidential (in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000).
Each application has a formal publicity period of 21 days. Comments should be submitted during this time to ensure inclusion on the planning file.
Planning public notices
Public notices relating to planning are published in The Hampshire Independent, a free newspaper which is available around the Borough and online.
How do I make a comment
You can comment online via Public Access or by post:
- View planning applications and comment via Public Access
- Comment by post: Planning Development, Havant Borough Council, Public Service Plaza, Civic Centre Road, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 2AX.
Make sure you include your name, address and details of the planning application your comments relate to. Anonymous comments will not be considered.
You will be able to check that your comments have been received by looking online.
How are my comments processed?
Any comments you make will be made available online through the council website. Your name and address will not be published in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations. Please see the council's privacy policy for more information.
Your comments will be available for others to read as it will be placed on file with all other documents relating to that planning application. You should therefore only include information that you are happy for the public to see.
Please allow up to five days for your comments to be published.
What can I comment on?
A planning officer can consider your concerns relating to:
- development plan policy
- government guidance
- highway safety and traffic
- design, appearance and layout
- effect on daylight, privacy and outlook
- conservation of buildings, trees and hedgerows
- loss of open spaces, countryside and other natural habitats
- noise, smells and fumes
The council cannot consider non-planning issues such as:
- loss of private views
- matters covered by other regulations/laws including the Party Wall Act and Building Regulations
- the fact that development may have started
- business competition
We cannot refuse permission for a scheme because of construction noise but we can restrict the hours of work to reduce disturbance to residents and other neighbours.
If you choose to comment on an application, please be aware that placing or publishing discriminatory comments is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010.
The Act protects individuals from discrimination based on sex, race, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age.
Any such comments will be removed from our website and the individuals will be reported to the Police.