Hayling Island Seafront is a key asset for the borough and is much loved. The seafront offers a wealth of opportunities, but also faces some significant challenges.
Havant Borough Council is keen to develop an ambitious but deliverable plan for the seafront. One that takes a ‘whole place’ based’ approach.
A new seafront strategy for Hayling is being developed and will set out how the Council, working with a range of key stakeholders to develop and deliver ambitious and exciting plans to enhance the seafront and create an inspiring destination.
Public engagement ran from 18 October 2021 to 28 November 2021.
We thank everyone for all the comments received over the engagement programme.
The Council received over 650 responses to the engagement programme via a variety of channels:
- 266 responses to the online survey
- 74 responses via the online mapping tool
- 63 emails and letters received
- Over 280 attendees to two face-to-face events
- 28 young people gave their views via school's engagement
The engagement programme was promoted through a variety of communications channels including: Hayling Herald, Hampshire Live News, Portsmouth News, Radio Solent Breakfast Show and BBC South Today.
The engagement programme identified some key themes which have been reflected in a revised Hayling Seafront Ambition, both of which were endorsed by Cabinet in March 2022. For further detail please see:
- Communications and engagement report (pdf 4.2 mb)
- Revised Hayling seafront ambition (pdf 6.2 mb)
Next steps
With Cabinet endorsement of the Communications and Engagement Report and revised Seafront Ambition officers are able to progress the Hayling Island Regeneration Programme.
A detailed and phased plan will be produced to identify key projects, focus areas and priorities for the seafront that will link with the wider seafront strategy, Havant’s Local Plan (on issues such as flooding, transport and housing) and the Coastal Management Plan (via Coastal Partners).
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