Register of Electors 2024
Formal notice on the publication of Revised Register of Electors 2024 can be viewed here.
Electoral register
The full register lists the name and address of everyone who is registered to vote. The council holds a copy which anyone can look at under supervision. No photocopying is allowed although some handwritten notes are permissible.
It is a criminal offence to supply or use copies for purposes other than those set down in law. The main use of the full register is to show who can vote in elections and referendums.
Credit reference agencies can use it, but only to check your name and address if you are applying for credit and for other purposes specified in law. It can also be used for law enforcement and Audit Commission data matching for the prevention of fraud.
The open register
The open register is an extract of the electoral register, but is not used for elections. It can be bought by any person, company or organisation.
For example, it is used by businesses and charities to confirm name and address details. Your name and address will be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed. You can remove your details at any time by contacting the electoral registration office.
You can contact the electoral services team by email on or phone on (023) 9244 6226 or 6225.