Expression of interest form

Before planning your event, ​you must please contact to ensure the area of land you want to use is available and suitable for the type of event you are proposing ​and complete the expression of interest form.

Personal information
Event details
To select multiple items, please hold down the 'ctrl' key as well as clicking on those that apply.
To select multiple items, please hold down the 'ctrl' key as well as clicking on those that apply.
  1. A Licensing Act 2003 premises licence or temporary event notice (TEN) may be required if your event includes the sale/supply of alcohol, live or recorded music, plays, films, indoor sporting events, boxing/wrestling, performance of dance, anything similar to live or recorded music or performance of dance, late night refreshment (the supply of hot food or drink between 23:00 – 05:00)


  1. A street trading consent, pavement licence and or tables and chairs permit if your event includes stalls, or tables and chairs.


  1. A Gambling Act 2005 licence/permit if your event includes raffles, lotteries and/or betting.


  1. A street collection permit/house to house permit may be required if there are any charitable collections.


  1. Any commercial food provider needs to be registered with their local authority.
Things you will need to consider before your event.

Before your event takes place, you will need to consider and plan for the following:

  • Emergency procedure
  • Costs involved in hosting the event
  • Detailed site plan - this will include positions of stalls, marquees, arena, exhibition units, vehicle parking, firefight equipment.
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Risk assessment
  • Covid risk assessment
  • Traffic management (if required) - including emergency service access
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