If you are planning on starting a new food business you may need to apply for planning permission.
Registering a food business
If you are looking to start up a food business, you must register with Havant Borough Council at least 28 days before opening. Registration applies to all businesses selling food including; restaurants, cafes, shops, market stalls, home caterers and mobile caterers.
The easiest way to register a food business is on the GOV.UK website.
Alternatively, please complete the registration form below and return it by email to ehealth@havant.gov.uk.
- Food premises registration form (pdf 99 kb)
Change to a business
Once a business is registered with us you will only need to notify us of any of the following changes;
- There is a change of proprietor
- The nature of the business changes
- Or if there is a change of the address at which moveable premises are kept.
A new food premises registration form will be required to reflect the changes.
To see if our team can help you, please complete our online contact us form or call 023 9244 6654.