Road Closure Application

Please complete the below road closure application if you would like to hold a street party or sporting event.

Before completing the form, please upload the following documents:

  • Signing schedule and list
  • Marshalling and first aid arrangements
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Personal information
General information
Additional information

Please give details of any other businesses, including bus services and residents which may be affected. 

Terms and conditions

I/ we hereby indemnify the Havant Borough Council against all claims whenever which arising which may be made against them by reason of making the Road Closure Order and to defray all costs incurred as a result of such claims being made, 

I/we agree to pay all costs of making good any damage to the highway for reason of making the Road Closure Order including damage to any alternative route for diverted traffic. 

I/we confirm that I/we hold public liability insurance for the event for a minimum cover of £5 million. 

I/we agree to provide, erect, maintain and remove all safety measures, including all signs, lighting etc., required to protect the public and property at the site of the event and on the diversionary route for the duration of the closure and to defray all costs incurred in the event of failures to do so. 

I/we agree to consult all residents, business, bus companies which may be affected by the closure and confirm in writing to the Council that we have done so. 

I/we agree to keep clear access at all times for emergency vehicles during the closure and acknowledge that the closure will apply to all other traffic. 

I/we agree to be available during, immediately before and after the event so that we can be contacted by the Council or the Police. 

I/we agree to ensure that there are sufficient marshals to adequately cover the Road Closure Order and all marshals for the event are adequately trained for their duties to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council and the Police. 

I/we understand the if I/we fail to comply with the above requirements I/we may be liable to Court action and that any such failure will be taken into account by the Council in considering future applications for Road Closure Orders by me/us. 

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