Waterlooville town centre is set to benefit from a new parking initiative designed to support businesses and residents.
Havant Borough Council has agreed to implement a free parking plan that will encourage custom and vibrancy in the town centre and support the local economy.
The new parking arrangement allows for 30-minute free parking in the heart of Waterlooville that will benefit people needing to pop into the town for a short visit.
Listening and responding to the views of local businesses the new free parking initiative will encourage residents to shop local, by offering free town centre car parking, and comes as part of a range of measures the council is seeking to implement to encourage footfall.
Councilllor Alex Rennie, Leader of Havant Borough Council, said “By implementing this incentive to shoppers I hope it will help will encourage people to use local businesses, including the smaller independent retailers, and attract new shoppers to the town centre. We should all support our local town centres and I hope this new scheme will see more people come to spend time in Waterlooville Town Centre. It is one of a range of interventions the council is intending to make to improve our town centre.”
The introduction of free parking for a maximum stay of 30 minutes (no return within one hour) for 12 parking bays will be in force between the hours of 8am-6pm Monday-Saturday at the Wellington Way Car Park in Waterlooville and will begin from Monday 7 August 2023.