The environmental and ecological significance of Chichester Harbour to the area is important to the Council. The condition of the Harbour was described in Natural England review in 2021 as ’unfavourable declining’ due to climate change and human pressures and with these pressures predicted to continue, Havant Borough Council (HBC) yesterday agreed to seek options to help to support the network of habitats and species within the Harbour.
Locally, there is a passionate appreciation for the coastline. The damaged seawall near Wade Lane and the condition of the Mill Pond coastal path is a challenge that is being tackled through ongoing work with numerous stakeholders. Additionally, there is strong democratic support for the protection of the harbour habitat and HBC is an active and committed partner of the Chichester Harbour Protection and Recovery of Nature (CHaPRoN) Partnership. Alongside other partners and agencies, the group is looking to reverse the decline of the harbour and encourage its recovery.
To enable the rejuvenation of the harbour and localised environments HBC has endorsed and is seeking funding to undertake the proposed Chichester Harbour Environment and Investment Adaption Plan. The plan will set out a plan for the future management of Chichester harbour focussing on environmental improvements and reversing the damage that historic sea defences and inappropriate coastal management is having on the harbour environment.
Therefore, the Council resolves:
- To seek support and funding from the Environment Agency and other key stakeholders for a long-term solution by undertaking a Chichester Harbour Environment and Investment Adaptation Strategy. This should include the holistic assessment of the long-term management and enhancement of the wildlife within the Langstone Mill Pond that supports the network of habitats and species within the Harbour.
- To write to the Environment Agency, Chichester Harbour Conservancy and Natural England to express the strong democratic support for the protection of the Langstone Mill Pond through sea defences.
A successful process will involve working together with regulators, stakeholders and the community. This will help to identify suitable funding and preferred management options for the harbour, whilst identifying key opportunities for habitat creation and improvement. HBC wishes to move forward with this without delay.
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Coastal Partners is the partnership that leads on coastal management within five local authorities across the Eastern Solent region.
Working with Gosport, Fareham, Portsmouth, Havant and Chichester councils, the Coastal Partnership plans and co-ordinates the construction, funding, research and maintenance of the sea defences along 246km of coastline.
For further enquiries, contact Coastal Partners Communications - - 07435 280533