Share your views on dog control orders in the borough


People across the borough are being asked for their views on the renewal of an existing Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which allows the council to address dog fouling.

Havant Borough Council is proposing to renew an existing borough-wide PSPO relating to dog control, for a further three years. As well as dog fouling the PSPO also deals with dogs off leads, keeping dogs out of children’s play areas and seasonal restrictions in the bathing area at Central Beachlands. The borough has had a dog control PSPO in place for the past six years. This policy has been subject to regular reviews, with the last review taking place in April 2021.

A PSPO gives a local authority powers to tackle a particular nuisance by banning or restricting certain acts or behaviour in an area where it is having a negative effect on people’s quality of life.

Councillor Gwen Robinson, Deputy Leader of the Council, and Cabinet Lead for Communities and Housing, said: “We know that the vast majority of dog owners continue to act responsibly keeping their dogs under good control and clearing up after them. Being able to walk a dog and to enjoy areas of open space is important to owners and can be beneficial to them and to the health and well-being of their pets. Dogs can be walked and let off their leads in the borough's public spaces and parks, with a few exceptions which are detailed within the PSPO order.

"By renewing this existing PSPO we are ensuring that the council can continue to take action where dogs are causing a nuisance by being off their lead, fouling, or entering play areas.”

The current PSPO has been shown to be effective in dealing with dog-related nuisance in the borough by providing authorities with the power to fine or prosecute dog owners who do not follow the rules set out in the PSPO. 

A PSPO can remain in place for three years. The existing dog control PSPO will expire at 11.59pm on 30 April 2024 while the proposed PSPO would be in place until April 2027, remaining the only power the council has over dog control and dog fouling in the borough.

Havant Borough Council want to hear the borough’s views on this proposal. To find out more about PSPOs including the existing dog control and to have your say  visit

The closing date for the consultation is Wednesday 13 December 2023.