Storm Ciarán – advice for residents

People crossing the road at Elmleigh Road SPARROW crossing.

Havant Borough Council, along with Hampshire County Council and other local authorities, emergency services and partner agencies are ready to support residents across Hampshire, ahead of Storm Ciarán which is forecast to bring strong winds and heavy rain affecting coastal areas today - Thursday 2 November 2023.

With very strong winds of up to 80 mph expected across coastal areas, there is risk of damage to buildings and falling trees leading to disruption to travel and an ongoing risk of flooding.  

Anyone who lives or works in what are likely to be the worst affected areas (as determined by the Amber weather warning issued by the Met Office) is advised to travel with care avoiding, as far as possible, coastal and wooded areas while winds are high. 


Please check the Met Office Find a Forecast web page for any changes before making your journey. Advice about travel, your home and your wellbeing can be also be found on the Met Office website.


You are also advised to check transport operators (rail, ferry and bus) websites and social media channels for any updates before travelling. 


Other helpful sources of information, advice and support

Emergency issues on Hampshire’s roads can be reported to Hampshire County Council by phoning:

0300 555 1388 between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday; or outside of office hours, by calling 101.

You can report fallen trees online.

In an emergency situation, where there is a danger to life, please call 999 


You can read advice online about how to prepare for flooding and check The Environment Agency web pages for updates relating to flood alerts for the area.


For assistance in the event of flooding call 0345 988 1188 or text 0345 602 6340.

You can find more information online about who to report flooding to. 

Public Health Advice

The latest Public Health advice relating to flooding is available on the Government website.

We, along with our partner agencies, are continuing to plan ahead with arrangements to respond to weather related emergencies during this period. 

Council services

Bin Collections – our rubbish and recycling crews will start their collections from 6am.  We are monitoring the storm’s impact through the morning. Any changes we are required to make at short notice will be added to our website.

Country Parks – Staunton County Park in Havant will be closed on Thursday 2 November.

Schools – Head teachers and governing bodies will be making careful assessments of the local expected conditions, prior to making the most appropriate decision for their individual school. Check the County Council’s Emergency School Closures system, which provides up-to-date information on school closures and can be accessed online

Highways – Hampshire Highway crews are on 24 hour standby, with additional specialist tree crews and emergency response gangs available, as well as drainage teams ready should the strong winds be accompanied by heavy rain, which is likely to lead to localised surface water flooding. For the latest traffic and roads information, visit @ROMANSE and @hantshighways