Havant Borough Council has asked watersports users to consider the safety of swimmers in a swimming-only area on Hayling Island seafront. Not only a family favourite for enjoying a nice swim, Hayling Island seafront is a popular destination for a variety of watersports users. From windsurfing to wingsurfing – not to mention those who enjoy rowing a gig – Hayling seafront offers something to everyone.
The entire seafront is open to watersports users with the exception of a single dedicated area specifically for swimmers, providing families and individuals easy, safe access to the water. The entire area is demarked by a series of buoys.
Recently, there have been repeated occurrences of unsafe watersports activity within the buoyed area, potentially placing swimmers at risk. Havant Borough Council urgently asks watersports enthusiasts to consider the following:
- Please ensure that when launching you do not represent a risk to swimmers.
- Please ensure you have sufficient space to control and manoeuvre your equipment safely.
- Please listen to the advice of beach patrols advising the safe use of the shoreline.
Dedicated beach patrols have approached a small number of watersports users whose actions within the buoyed area have presented a potential risk to the safety of swimmers. The patrols have been challenged, abused and berated whilst trying to protect those swimming.
Councillor Julie Richardson - Assistant Cabinet Lead for Hayling Island Seafront and Tourism - said "The buoyed area on Hayling seafront provides the safest possible conditions for swimmers to enjoy our fine beaches without having to consider other watersports users. I kindly ask that this area is respected and that other watersports users keep a sufficiently safe distance from the swimming-only area whilst enjoying their pastime.”