A range of council services will be available over the festive season.
The Public Service Plaza opening hours for residents who use services based in the building, including Havant Borough Council and Hampshire County Council, are:
- Monday 23 December - open normal hours
- Tuesday 24 December - open normal hours
- Wednesday 25 December - closed
- Thursday 26 December - closed
- Friday 27 December - closed
Although the offices will be closed on Friday 27 December, if you are homeless or at risk of homelessness you can contact us on 023 9244 6379 or by emailing: housingservices2@havant.gov.uk
- Monday 30 December - open normal hours
- Tuesday 31 December - open normal hours
- Wednesday 1 January - closed
- Thursday 2 January - open normal hours
- Friday 3 January - open normal hours
The Public Service Plaza will be open from 9am to 5pm on the days stated above. For emergencies relating to Havant Borough Council services outside of these hours, please call our main switchboard on 023 9244 6019 or visit www.havant.gov.uk/outofhours
The Visitor Information Centre at Beachlands, Hayling Island will close at 5pm on Friday 20 December 2024 and reopen at 9am on Monday 6 January 2025.
In the event of extreme weather conditions residents should put their bin out for collection and we will collect as soon as is possible. Information and updates regarding this will be posted on our website at http://www.havant.gov.uk/ and social media platforms at regular intervals.