Havant Borough Council agrees on the vision for future housing needs

mother and daughter holding keys to house

Havant Borough Council’s vision, priorities, and actions to meet the future housing needs and challenges in the borough have been agreed.

Councillors approved the Housing Strategy that will set the housing-related agenda for the next five years, during a meeting of the Full Council held yesterday.

Identifying four overarching aims, the strategy will drive the council’s commitments to housing needs in the borough, these are:

  • Preventing homelessness and helping those who are homeless to move on to stable housing solutions.
  • Increasing the supply of housing, including affordable housing
  • Helping housing choices to enable independence.
  • Improving the quality of rented housing stock

The Housing Strategy has been developed with the input and support of a wide range of partners, including housing associations, community groups, residents, stakeholders, and other public sector organisations.

The Leader of Havant Borough Council, Councillor Phil Munday, said “This Housing Strategy will change how we deliver housing services for our residents in the future. It sets out a vision which aims to prevent homelessness, whilst increasing the supply, quality and choice of housing where people of all walks of life want to live.

“We have recently purchased two large properties that will undergo conversion to provide high-quality affordable temporary accommodation. These residences will then be offered with a supportive wrap-around service that will help prevent future homelessness. 

"The strategy will also form part of the evidence base for the council's emerging Local Plan and serve as a reference for the authority's housing-related priorities and how the council responds to them, working in conjunction with partner organisations and registered housing providers, as well as landowners, developers, and community organisations."

Earlier this year Havant Borough Council held a six-week public consultation on the draft version of the strategy, which resulted in valuable feedback with the majority of respondents agreeing with the priorities and actions outlined.

Councillor Amy Redsull, Cabinet lead for Housing, said: “In putting together this housing strategy we have listened to our residents about what is important to them when it comes to housing needs and the priorities that we must address as a council. 

“This housing strategy identifies how this council, working alongside our partners can focus on the housing needs of current and future households. 

“The consultation received a wide range of responses from different groups, ranging from registered housing providers and local landlords to households currently on the housing register and individuals presenting as homeless.

“We also engaged with our Youth Ambassadors to understand the views of young people in our area. The feedback we received has been used to shape and influence this final version of the strategy and its key objectives. 

"I am proud of the work that has been undertaken to produce this strategy, affirming that Havant Borough Council is a forward-thinking local authority that considers the views of the residents."

An online survey and a series of exhibition events were held at locations across the borough. To view a copy of the strategy, as well as a full summary of the feedback received from the public consultation, visit here.