Motorist seen throwing litter from vehicle issued with a fine

Motorist throwing litter from vehicle

A woman caught by another driver’s dashcam, throwing litter from her vehicle, has become the first person to be issued with a fixed penalty notice of £150.

In August 2024, on Hulbert Road, Havant, a vehicle was recorded littering by a dashcam belonging to another driver. This dashcam footage was crucial for the investigation, as it clearly captured the offence, including the vehicle's registration number and an image of the litter being thrown from the passengers side window.

Havant Borough Council’s Enforcement Team investigated the incident after it had been shared on social media and subsequently contacted the registered vehicle keeper. After further investigation, a woman admitted to the littering offence from her vehicle.

The woman was offered a £150 Fixed Penalty Notice to discharge her liability for prosecution regarding the littering offence. If the penalty had not been paid within 14 days, the case would have been referred to the council's legal team for prosecution.

Councillor Richard Brown, Cabinet lead for Place, said: “Littering has a detrimental impact on our environment, and we know that it is a frustration for many of our residents. By working with the public and local businesses, we are taking a proactive approach to tackle the problem and make a difference in keeping our communities clean."

“Littering from a moving vehicle doesn’t just spoil the beauty of our community, it’s a criminal offence. Let’s keep our borough’s roads clean and safe, respect the environment and avoid the penalty.”

If you have evidence of littering taking place, for example, captured by vehicle ‘Dashcam’ contact Havant Borough Council’s Enforcement Team by email at: 

To report littering in the Borough of Havant visit:


 At the time of being issued (4 December) the press release incorrectly reported that the Fixed penalty notice issued was for £400.

In fact, the actual amount was for £150.

We are happy to clarify this and apologise for the error – this has now been corrected above.