The latest phase to increase footfall in Waterlooville town centre has been launched by Havant Borough Council.
A ‘Pop Up Shop’ scheme is now available to small businesses and entrepreneurs, offering them the chance to dip their toe into high-street retail.
The new scheme aims to provide affordable opportunities for new traders to showcase products, grow sales, and test new products without the overheads of a long-term lease.
Short-term tenancies ranging from six weeks to three months will be available starting from Monday 2 December 2024; benefitting the town centre for the next 12 months.
Councillor Antonia Harrison, Assistant Cabinet lead for Thriving Waterlooville, said: “We are thrilled to launch the Pop Up Shop scheme, which will provide invaluable opportunities for new businesses to thrive, and for the town centre to benefit from a fresh and exciting retail environment.
“By offering flexible, short-term tenancy options, we hope to lower the barriers to entry for businesses and stimulate economic growth within the local community.”
Running alongside the council’s already successful Vacant Shop scheme, the unit is located within the recently refurbished Wellington Way precinct.
For more information about the Pop Up Shop scheme, and to register your interest, please follow this link.