Havant Borough Council is calling on residents to prioritise food hygiene and encouraging local food businesses to prominently display their food hygiene ratings.
The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) is run by Havant Borough Council in partnership with the Food Standards Agency (FSA). Its aim is to provide customers with at-a-glance information about hygiene in food businesses, so that customers can make informed choices about where to buy and eat food.
Food hygiene inspections are carried out by the council’s Environmental Health team, and consider the following aspects:
- Hygienic food handling
- Condition of the premises
- Business management
The business is then given a rating on a scale from '0' (meaning urgent improvement is required) to '5' (meaning the hygiene standards are very good).
A visible food hygiene rating enhances the reputation of the business and reassures customers that the business follows appropriate hygiene practices. These ratings are also displayed on the FSA website at www.food.gov.uk/ratings.
Customers are then able to make informed decisions about where to dine and shop, knowing the hygiene standards of each establishment.
Councillor Richard Brown, Cabinet Lead for Place, said: “Food hygiene ratings provide valuable insights into the cleanliness, food safety, and overall hygiene practices of food establishments. By displaying these ratings, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high standards and ensuring the well-being of their customers.
“Together, we can help to create a safer and healthier community by prioritising food hygiene and ensuring that every meal enjoyed is prepared in a safe and hygienic environment.”
To find out more about the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, please go to the Food Standards Agency’s website.