Equality means treating all people with fairness, decency and respect, and diversity is recognising difference and striving to meet people’s different needs in a positive way.
Equality Policy
Our Equality Policy reflects the public sector equality duty. The duty requires us to publish information regarding local equality issues and set equality objectives.
Each report that goes before a committee of the council has a summary of impact on staff and communities. If you require more information, please contact the author of the report in the first instance.
- Equality Policy 2023-2026 (word 2.3 mb)
- Equality Policy 2023-2026 appendix (word 2.3 mb)
- Equality objectives 2021-25 (pdf 77 kb)
Gender pay gap
As a result of the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017, employers with 250 or more employees are now required to publish statutory gender pay gap calculations annually.
- Gender pay gap report 2021-22 (pdf 167 kb)
- Gender pay gap report 2022/23
- Gender pay gap report 2023/24
Staff and Community Profile 2023
Workforce composition on 31 March 2023
Number of employees: 281
- 63% of staff are female, compared to 51.7% female in the wider Borough population (2021 Census). According to our gender pay gap report for 2021-22, female staff occupy 77.8% of the highest paid jobs and 33.3% of the lowest paid jobs. However, when comparing average hourly pay across the whole organisation, women’s hourly pay is 20.6% lower than men’s.
- 93% of staff are aged between 16-64 compared with 58.5% of the population. 56% of staff are aged 45+ compared to 51.6% of the population. The lowest staff age group is 20-24 years (4%) compared to 9.8% of the population being 16-24 years old.
- 3% of staff report having a disability compared to 17.7% of the population reporting being limited a little or a lot. 53% of staff have not provided information.
- 28% of staff report having no religion compared to 47.4% of the population. 17% of staff report being Christian (all denominations) compared to 45.3% of the population. 54% of staff have not reported.
- 60% of staff report being white British, compared to 93.2% of the Borough population. 2% of staff prefer not to say. 33% of staff have not reported.
- 40% of staff report being heterosexual. 5% of staff prefer not to say and 53% have not provided. No gay men reported, 1% of staff report being lesbian and less than 1% being bisexual. In the Havant borough population (ages 16+), 2.4% report being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or other (LGB+).
- As of January 2023; 7 members of staff report being Armed Forces veterans. 1 member of staff reports being an Armed Forces reservist.
We will incorporate this data into next year's workforce diversity profile, which will be collected on 31 March 2024.