Our policies, plans and strategies set out the way we will deliver and improve services.


Corporate Strategy 2022-26

Our Corporate Strategy is the key policy framework document that sets out what the council's role is, where we will be directing our resources and what we hope to achieve to improve the quality of life across our borough. It must be approved by Full Council.

Corporate strategy 2022-26 (pdf 2.8 mb)

Corporate performance scorecard

Our corporate performance scorecard displays progress made against the objectives we set out in our Corporate Strategy.

Corporate performance scorecard

Other strategies and policies

The Corporate Strategy is supported by a number of other strategies which cover specific areas. These are linked below.

The council also has a number of policy documents which set out our approach to delivery on various matters including our statutory duties. Many of these are required by government legislation or policy. For a full list of our policies, please visit the Policy Hub.

Digital strategy 2020-24

This strategy sets out our ambitions to create a digital council with digitally ‘savvy’ staff and councillors and services designed to be accessible and convenient for our customers.

Emergency response plan 2023-24

The key to an effective emergency response is the application of sound corporate principles and inter-agency co-operation. The purpose of this document is to set out those principles and provide a plan to enable the borough council to perform its function as a Category 1 responder.

Homelessness and rough sleeper strategy 2019-24

This strategy sets out an action plan for achieving homelessness related objectives.

Regeneration strategy 2022-36

Havant Borough Council plans to address the borough’s housing and economic challenges and to build on its strengths and opportunities for transformational growth.

An ambitious regeneration strategy – approved in March 2022 – identifies needs, opportunities, and a way forward.