Parking and traffic management changes
Hampshire County Council is responsible for on-street parking enforcement. Please note, this does not include council owned and managed car parks.
Hampshire County Council is also responsible for residents' parking permits, parking controls including yellow lines, disabled parking bay applications and access protection markings.
Find out more about parking and traffic management at Hampshire County Council.
Pay and display car parks
Please ensure you always check the car park notice boards for current tariffs, chargeable days, times and conditions of use.
Disabled parking spaces are reserved for official badge holders 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
There is no charge for disabled drivers displaying the official badge, however users are asked to follow the guidance within their blue badge booklet for advice on their use.
Motorcycles can park free of charge but must be parked in a designated motorcycle bay.
Find out more about pay and display car parks.
Find your nearest car park on Parkopedia.
Parking Permits
A number of parking permits are available for residents and workers in the borough.
Please be advised, there might be parking restrictions at your property which will prevent us from approving your application.
More information about parking permits.
Parking Fine
A parking fine is also known as a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). These are issued when your vehicle breaks parking regulations.
You can pay a parking fine online or if you feel that you have been issued a PCN incorrectly, you may challenge it in writing within 14 days.
Disabled parking and blue badges
Hampshire County Council is responsible for the issue of all blue badges in the borough.
The blue badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions for disabled people with severe mobility problems who have difficulty using public transport.
It is designed to help severely disabled people to travel independently, as either a driver or passenger, by allowing them to park close to their destination.
Apply for or renew a blue badge online on the GOV.UK website.
Alternatively, download a blue badge application form on the Hampshire County Council website.
The application process can be tracked online, and includes questions to check your eligibility for a blue badge. All badges are issued by Hampshire County Council and cost £10 to cover administration and production.
Disabled Parking Bays
Hampshire County Council is responsible for processing all new disabled parking bay applications.
Please email to apply for a Disabled Driver Bay.
Nuisance and abandoned vehicles
Abandoned vehicles are often confused with nuisance vehicles. An abandoned vehicle is always a nuisance, but a nuisance vehicle is not always abandoned.
Examples of a nuisance vehicles include, poor parking, causing obstruction or broken down.
Nuisance vehicles will not be dealt with by the council.
Public streets are for the passage of people and traffic and no one has a right to park on any specific part of the highway. You have no right to park your car (or any other possession including trailers, caravans or boats) on the road outside your front door and the council is under no obligation to provide you with a space.
If you own a caravan then our advice is that you should arrange storage on a reputable site in the vicinity.
If you own a boat then our advice is that you should arrange storage at a local sailing club or boat park.
A car parked on the road e.g. outside your house, for a few days is probably not abandoned. It is worth checking to see if it is taxed, you can check if the car is taxed on the GOV.UK website.
If it is taxed and in good condition and parked on the public highway, it is unlikely to be abandoned.
Report an untaxed vehicle DVLA.
A vehicle that doesn’t look roadworthy may have been abandoned so you should report it to us.
Off-street parking (amendment 1) order 2023 - Wellington Way Car Park
The following documents provide notification of proposed amendments to 12 parking bays in Wellington Way Car Park, Waterlooville.