Havant Borough Council’s Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)
Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations came into force on 1 September 2019 introducing the requirement for the Council to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement annually from 31 December 2020. Monitoring years run 1st April to 31st March the following year.
The IFS sets out how developer contributions have been and will be used to provide infrastructure within Havant Borough. This funding is secured through planning permissions that have been implemented. There are now four Infrastructure Funding Statements available:
- HBC Infrastructure Funding Statement – December 2024 (pdf 1.02mb)
- HBC Infrastructure Funding Statement – December 2023 (pdf 651kb)
- HBC Infrastructure Funding Statement – December 2022 (pdf 1.3mb)
- HBC Infrastructure Funding Statement - December 2021 (pdf 959 kb)
- HBC Infrastructure Funding Statement - December 2020 (pdf 955 kb)
In Appendix A, the IFS contains a list replacing the CIL Regulation 123 List and reports on the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that the Borough Council intends to fund either wholly or partly using the CIL and other planning obligations. Before the 1 September 2019, The Regulations restricted the use of planning obligations so there is no duplication between projects funded by CIL and those which are subject to S106 obligations. We have retained a version of this list is it provides clarity on the interplay between CIL and S106 in the borough.
Now Available...
We have worked with software suppliers Exacom to make CIL income and expenditure information more accessible. This will enable you to search for CIL and S106 data for your ward or to identify how much CIL or s106 income may be due, how much has been received and the funds that have been allocated to infrastructure projects for spending.
Please see the Developer Contributions Database for all of the above information.
We have produced a guide if you require assistance in using the Developer Contributions Database:
User Guide HBC Developer Contributions Database (pdf 796kb)
Historic S106 Monitoring
A number of S106 Planning Obligation Agreements have been signed each year and form part of the planning decision for a site. This information has been left on our website to provide historic context to the IFS:
- S106 Annual Monitoring Report 2020 (pdf 195 kb)
- S106 Annual Monitoring Report 2019 (pdf 196 kb)
- S106 Annual Monitoring Report 2018 (pdf 190 kb)
- S106 Annual Monitoring Report 2017 (pdf 137 kb)
- S106 Annual Monitoring Report 2016 (pdf 109 kb)
S106 financial contributions data 1995 through to 30 September 2016 are set out in a series of spreadsheets, extant funds have been transferred to Exacom and you will need to interrogate this software to find out when the contribution was allocated and/or spent:
- S106 Financial Obligations 1995 to 31 December 1999 (Excel 13kb)
- S106 Financial Obligations 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2005 (Excel 27kb)
- S106 Financial Obligations 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2010 (Excel 24kb)
- S106 Financial Obligations 1 January 2011 to 30 September 2016(Excel 27kb)