For mixed schemes you will need to provide the total GIA for the whole development and the floorspace for each development type.
1. Please enter total floor space of the development 2. Please select the type of development 3. For residential developments there are different rates depending on location, please select from the dropdown 4. Enter GIA of new floorspace to be created 5. Enter GIA of any floorspace that is being reused 6. Enter GIA of any floor space that is being demolished 7. Click on Calculate 8. Manually add CIL Indexation*. If your planning decision is issued in 2025 the amount of CIL due will increase by approximately 74.553%, this will change as stipulated in the CIL Regulations at the start of each calendar year. If you are looking at a mixed scheme the individual elements can be combined by clicking on Combined Scheme after each calculation. This transfers the individual values to the summary and totals them. N.B. *CIL Liability is subject to indexation, based on the BCIS index. |
Combined Developments CIL Liability |