The council charges monitoring fees per 'head of term' in relation to S106 contributions as allowed by The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019.
S106 monitoring fees
The council charges a fee to monitor all planning obligations as set out in the CIL Regulations and this is decided at a cost per head of term contained within the obligation and is in addition to the legal charge for drafting and checking the obligation. Havant Borough Council monitors and discharges all Hampshire County Council Covenants on behalf of the County and the charges below also apply for each Hampshire County Council Head of Term.
From 1 April 2024 (base rate)
- £914 per non-financial head of term (outside the scope of VAT)
- 5% of cost per Havant Borough Council financial head of term (outside the scope of VAT)
From 1 April 2025 (base rate)
- £973 per non-financial head of term (outside the scope of VAT)
- 5% of cost per Havant Borough Council financial head of term (outside the scope of VAT)
This contribution is indexed in accordance with the CPI. For developments over 250 new homes the fee charged will need to be commensurate with the amount and duration of monitoring needed for all head of terms.
Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership
Payment for management of internationally protected habitat. Contribution per dwelling plus monitoring and administration charge (the administration charge applies only to Unilateral Undertakings). Find out more about the Solent Recreation Mitigation Partnership financial contribution.
Third Party Nutrient Mitigation Schemes
Havant Borough Council is responsible for ongoing monitoring of Third Party Nutrient Mitigation Schemes. When accepting mitigation from such schemes for example Warnford Park Estate, the Council will need to seek a payment from the applicant to contribute towards these costs. The amount payable will be 1% of the total overall kilogramme (kg) purchase cost. Where this is calculated to be less than £100, a minimum fee of £100 will be payable.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Mitigation provided as part of BNG will require monitoring and occasionally enforcement over a period of 30 years and appropriate charges to cover the council’s costs will be sought.
Basis for these charges
The basis for this is set out in the following: