Housing Supplementary Planning Document - Adopted 27 July 2011
The Housing SPD provides further guidance in respect of Core Strategy Policy CS9.
It seeks to guide housing development within the borough, so that we plan for the right type, size and tenure of housing to meet the borough’s needs.
These issues relate to both open market housing and affordable housing and in that respect the document provides a comprehensive profiling of all housing within the borough by area and ward.
Additionally, the document also provides significant detail on affordable housing in conjunction with Policy CS9 of the Local Plan (Core Strategy), which will assist both developers and development management officers in both negotiations and the consideration of planning applications for housing development.
Applications for housing development which initiates the need for affordable housing will be considered in respect of seven key principles.
A further key element of the SPD relates to the additional information on off-site affordable housing provision and the draft document explains the calculation method for in-lieu financial contributions.
In such instances where this may apply, developers are advised to contact the council at the earliest opportunity to discuss their proposals.