Once your application has been registered, the council will make the application public. Normally this will involve including details of what is proposed in a weekly list of applications.
Certain types of application may involve a notice outside the application site and in a local paper. Additionally, we may need to consult other bodies (consultees) about the application such as the Environment Agency and Highways Authority.
Before we make a recommendation on your application, the case officer will visit the site and neighbouring land to assess relevant planning issues.
In addition the case officer will consider relevant planning policies in the Havant Borough wide Local Plan and the comments of neighbours, consultees and the public before, if necessary, suggesting changes to your application.
Unless the development is complex the council expects to make a decision on your application within eight weeks of registration (householder and minor applications).
It is not always necessary for an application to be decided by the Development Management Committee. In most minor and non-controversial proposals, decisions are made by the Head of Planning, under what is known as delegated powers.
Some of the more significant or controversial proposals are inspected by the Site Viewing Working Party, prior to consideration at the Development Management Committee meeting.
This helps the Committee to have a clearer understanding of the implications and merits of the development proposed.
If it is decided that your planning application should be considered by the Committee or viewed on site by the working party, both you and your agent will normally receive a letter advising of the date and approximate time of inspection.
The Development Management Committee meet every three weeks, usually at 5pm. Members of the public are allowed to attend.
The council currently has a scheme that allows people to speak at Planning Committee meetings.
If you wish to check on the progress of your application, you should contact the officer who is dealing with it approximately four weeks after registration. The officer will know whether it is being dealt with under delegated powers or the date of when it will go to the appropriate committee.
Delegated powers
Applications will be determined by the Planning Development Service Manager under these powers unless:
The application is contrary to the provisions of the approved development plan or adopted planning policy; and which is recommended for approval
An application which is submitted by on or on behalf of a Councillor (or his/her spouse or partner) or by any member of the council's staff (or his/her spouse or partner)
An application which the Planning Development Service Manager considers should be presented to Committee for decision including, for example, those developments that in his opinion are particularly controversial, likely to be of significant public interest, or which may have a significant impact on the environment
An application where a Councillor makes a written request for the application to be considered by Committee and is agreed by the Chairman of the Development Management Committee for determination by the Committee. This written request process has been termed the ‘Red Card’ procedure. Such requests must be submitted prior to the end of the publicity period for the planning application concerned, as notified in the weekly list of planning proposals
For more information on Delegated Powers for Planning and Built Environment, please see the council's Constitution.