Please note that due to a combination of high workloads and reduced capacity within the Development Management Team at present, in some cases it is taking longer than normal to be able to respond to enquiries. Please bear with us whilst we deal with current pressures within the team.
The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.
Sustainable development is about positive growth – making economic, environmental and social progress for this and future generations.
Do I need planning permission?
You might need planning permission if you want to:
- Build something new
- Make a major change to your building, such as build an extension
- Change the use of your building or land.
Some house/building extensions and changes of use do not require a specific planning application. This is called permitted development.
To find out more about planning permission and permitted development rights, please visit the following link.
Previous planning permission(s) for your property may have altered or removed your permitted development rights.
If you are in any doubt as to whether the permitted development rights for your property are intact, please get in contact with us using our pre-application advice service.
- Pre-application advice and guidance notes 2024 (pdf 207 kb)
It is a criminal offence to carry out works to a listed building or protected trees without first getting permission from the council, even if you did not know the building was listed or the trees were protected.
Contact planning
For planning queries please call Customer Services on 023 9244 6019 or email
Appointments with a member of the Planning Team should be requested in advance of visiting the Plaza.