Our strategies, plans and policies shape the way we deliver and improve services.

You can read our key strategies, including the Corporate Strategy, here.

This page contains links to our policies, grouped by topic area.

Customer access and safety

Equality Policy (last updated 2023)

Safeguarding Policy (last updated 2024)

Health and Safety Policy (last updated 2023)

Complaints and Vexatious Complaints Policy (last updated 2022)

Information governance

Access to Information Policy (last updated 2023)

Data Protection Policy (last updated 2019)

Information Governance Policy, Strategy and Framework (last updated 2019)

Finance and governance

Anti Bribery Policy (last updated 2023)

Anti-Fraud and -Corruption Policy (last updated 2023)

Anti Money Laundering Policy (last updated 2023)

Whistleblowing Policy (last updated 2023)

Corporate Debt Management Policy (last updated 2023)

Corporate Governance and Risk Policy (last updated 2023)

Enforcement and surveillance

Environmental Health and Licensing Enforcement Policy (last updated 2024)

Planning Enforcement Policy due to be approved in autumn 2024

CCTV and Surveillance Camera Policy (last updated 2023)

Corporate Surveillance Policy (last updated 2022)


Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy (last updated 2023)

Street Trading Policy (last updated 2023)

Statement of Licensing Policy, Licensing Act 2003 (last updated 2023)

Statement of Principles, Gambling Act 2005 (last updated 2023)