The Overarching Vision

Havant Borough Council has ambitious long-term plans to regenerate Havant town centre and the neighbouring civic centre campus with a phased, residential led, collaborative and transformational place-making programme; providing new homes and an enhanced public realm which incorporates existing assets such as Havant Park. The Civic Centre campus has the potential to connect the town centre with the outstanding Further Education College. Plans will also include better integration of Havant’s railway and bus stations, with the Civic Centre Campus and the wider town centre.

Bulbeck Road

The Redevelopment of Bulbeck Road is phase one of this largescale regeneration plan for Havant town centre. £1.65 million of grant funding was secured from the Department for Levelling Up & Communities (DHLUC) from the Brownfield Land Release Fund 2 (BLRF2) in November 2022. The funding will allow the council to initiate plans to redevelop the Bulbeck Road car park site. The underused car park will be demolished, and the site prepared for subsequent development for residential use. The project will address the aspirations of the council by bringing forward more housing whilst also kickstarting regeneration of the town centre. The final form of the housing provided is yet to be determined, but indicative modelling has proved the site capable of providing 91 high quality town centre homes.

An abridged document highlighting the vision and potential of the site can be found here Vision of Bulbeck Road.

Some FAQs on the project can be found at Bulbeck Road Redevelopment Project FAQS.


Havant Town Centre Partnership Board

The Council appreciates that large scale physical regeneration takes years to come to fruition and that we need to be proactive in supporting our town centre now. Havant Town Centre was one of 68 areas selected to receive support from the High Streets Task Force in February 2022.  An initial visit took place in March 2023, with the task force undertaking a diagnostic assessment of the town centre, looking at the challenges and opportunities and making some suggestions to help the Council move forward to unlock its potential and improve the retail and leisure offer in the town. 

This was followed by a workshop in November of last year, which brought together local businesses, community groups, local Councillors and residents. The workshop focused on understanding the changes to town centres and about what can be done in Havant to ensure our town centre remains busy and welcoming.  

The initial report suggested Havant Town Centre would benefit from an organisation or group to work collaboratively for the benefit of the town centre. As a result, the Council has made the establishment of a new ‘Havant Town Centre Partnership Board’ (HTCPB) a strategic priority.

The High Street Task Force reports for Havant include:

Havant Post Visit Report March 2023

Havant Mentor Handover Report November 2023

Havant Place Making Report February 2024

Applications for the Havant Town Centre Partnership Board took place in November 2023. The terms of reference for the group can be found in Havant Town Centre Partnership Board.

The Partnership is now meeting on a regular basis. Please click on the links below for the minutes from these meetings: