There are two public space protection orders (PSPO) that apply in the Havant borough. The Orders are designed to prohibit specific behaviours in particular areas and are enforceable by Prevention and Enforcement Officers.
Dogs in the Borough
There has been a Public Space Protection Order for Dogs in the Havant borough since 2017. A public consultation was undertaken in 2024, as the Order was due to expire. The consultation found that the Dog Public Space Protection Order was still relevant and required to tackle dog fouling and protect certain areas in the borough.
The Order covers:
Dog fouling – The PSPO requires dog owners in the borough to clean up after their dogs wherever they are and dispose of the waste responsibly.
Exclusion of dogs in designated areas – The PSPO includes seasonal restrictions for dogs in the bathing area at Central Beachlands and details the exclusion of dogs from areas such as recreation grounds and tennis courts.
Dogs on leads – The PSPO sets out specific areas where dogs must be on leads at all times, including cemeteries.
Dogs on leads by direction – Finally, the PSPO makes it an offence not to put a dog on a lead when instructed to do so by a designated officer.
Currently, anyone who is found to be committing an offence under this Order can receive a fixed penalty notice of £100.
Pigeons in Waterlooville
A pigeon public space protection order has been in place for Waterlooville Town Centre since 2018. A public consultation was undertaken in 2024, as the Order was due to expire, the consultation found that the PSPO for Pigeon Feeding was still relevant and required to tackle excessive pigeon feeding, protect businesses and improve quality of life for residences in the immediate area.
This Order makes it an offence for a person to feed pigeons within the designated area within Waterlooville.
Currently, anyone feeding the pigeons in this location is committing an offence and can receive a fixed penalty notice of £100.
More information on the current Order and areas covered by the PSPO are included in the following document: