Stay as safe as possible during your visit

Check Southern Water’s Rivers and Seas Watch prior to your visit for information on recent wastewater discharges.

Visit the bathing or recreational water when the weather is expected to be calm & sunny, when seas are calm and swells are light.

Choose to bathe when the beach is not crowded with visitors.

Consider using aquatic ear plugs, using preventative ear drops, or avoiding full immersion in the water if you are prone to contracting minor aural infections.

Consider wearing a good quality pair of goggles, or avoiding full immersion in the water if you are prone to minor eye infections.

After entering the water, wash hands or use a wet hygienic wipe for hands and mouth prior to eating or drinking.

Take yourself out of the water if you see evidence of sewage in the water – particularly sanitary products, fatty solids and rag.

Avoid swallowing seawater where possible.

Avoid bathing outside of the bathing season.

Avoid entering the water during heavy rainfall, especially if the previous days have been settled & dry.

Consider avoiding low-risk activities for 24hours following moderate-significant rainfall, especially after a period of prolonged settled, dry weather.

Consider avoiding higher-risk activities for 72 hours following moderate-significant rainfall.

Do not enter the water if you have an open wound, a dressed wound, or have had a body piercing or tattoo within the past 7 days.

Avoid entering the water if there is evidence of sewage discharge at the beach.

Avoid recreational activities that are likely to immerse you fully in the water close to storm wastewater outfalls.

Avoid areas with strong currents – Langstone channel at the entrance to Langstone Harbour, and Emsworth Channel at the entrance of Chichester Harbour.

Help improve water quality and reduce risks to other bathers

Whether you come to Hayling Island to enjoy water sports, the beaches, or the wildlife, we all have a stake in the quality of its waters.

Do not visit the Blue Flag Beach with your dog during the bathing season – this is an offence under a local Public Space Protection Order (Dogs).

Always clean up after your animals - animal mess left on the beach and surrounding roads and promenades is not only a nuisance on the land but can be flushed into the bathing waters with rainfall, affecting bathing water quality.

Make use of public conveniences – avoid public defection during your visit, whether on the beach, within the water or in your wet-suit.

Take any litter and leftover food with you when you leave – litter and leftovers can attract large numbers of birds, whose droppings can affect bathing water quality.

Report any sewage related debris (whether in the water, or on the beach) to the Environment Agency or to council staff patrolling the foreshore or at the council offices.

Report any waste related debris to council staff patrolling the foreshore or at the council offices.

Refrain from feeding wildlife inappropriate foods.

Observe Havant Borough Council’s Seashore Bye-Law – particularly sections 7 (machinery) and 12 (fires).

Check up on how your home has been plumbed. Wrongly connected pipes from homes can result in untreated sewage entering rivers and the sea.