Havant Borough Council believes it is important that residents can see how council tax payer’s money is spent.


Business rates

This data extract provides business rates information that is requested on a regular basis.

Contracts with external suppliers

We publish data about the contracts that the council has with external suppliers.

Government Procurement Card Transactions

Havant Borough Council does not use Government Procurement Cards.

Local authority land

We hold details of all our land and assets, including each property’s name, address, its area in various measurements and the reason why we hold it (commercial, investment, open space or operational).

Havant Borough Council is currently seeking to procure a Property Information System which is anticipated to be in operation in late 2022 and will enable the council to report on the latest information regarding its property assets.

Parking accounts

The below report includes information about parking income and expenditure.

Parking bays

The names and locations of car parks in the borough can be found in the document below:

Payments exceeding £500

These monthly reports list payments made to external bodies and suppliers that are over £500 (amounts exclude VAT).

Social housing asset value

Havant Borough Council does not hold any housing stock.

Staff pay and senior salaries

Havant Borough Council employs 304 members of staff (correct as of June 2024) and is required to publish annually certain information regarding pay of senior members of staff.

Trade Union facility time 2023-24

Trade union representatives and full-time equivalents

  • Trade union representatives: 10
  • FTE trade union representatives: 9.41
  • Name of trade union represented: Unison

Percentage of working hours spent on facility time

  • 0% of working hours: 0 representatives
    1 to 50% of working hours: 10 representatives
    51 to 99% of working hours: 0 representatives
    100% of working hours: 0 representatives

Total pay bill and facility time costs

  • Total pay bill: £14,546,641
  • Total cost of facility time: £11,995
  • Percentage of pay spent on facility time: 0.08%

Paid trade union activities

  • Hours spent on paid facility time: 347
  • Hours spent on paid trade union activities: 123
  • Percentage of total paid facility time hours spent on paid TU activities: 35.45%

Vehicles used by the council

Full list of vehicles owned or leased by Havant Borough Council.

Waste collection

Havant Borough Council is a Waste Collection authority.

Waste services are delivered for Havant Borough Council by Norse South East, a joint venture company owned by Havant Borough Council and Norfolk County Council the purpose of which is to provide higher quality services at reduced cost, with the generation of income to help plug the gap for lost Government grant.